Sunday, February 19, 2012

Build a Safe Shelter?

Do You Know How To…

Build a Safe Shelter?
Canning & Preserve Food?
Garden in Containers?
Homeschool Your Children?
Build a Solar Oven?
Purify Untreated Water?
Give Emergency First Aid?
Handle 2012 Survival Scenarios?

Navigate by the Sun & Stars?
Field Dress Small & Large Game?
Survive a Nuclear Attack?
Tie Strong Knots & Hitches?
Dehydrate & Preserve Meat?
Treat Serious Dental Pain?
Make a Survival Bow?
Buy and Maintain a Handgun?

Build a Bug-Out Vehicle?
Make and Use Bio-diesel?
Make Your Own Ch’arki?
Identify & Avoid Venomous Snakes?
Defend Yourself Against Attack?
Identify Edible & Medicinal Plants?
Build a Survival Food Bank?
Start Fire Without Matches? & More…

Being honest, I too had no clue of what I really needed to survive until I was thrust into my own personal disaster with no one to depend on! It takes a strong person to admit that I’ve made a few mistakes early on that had death knocking on my door on more than one occasion. See, several years ago, being fed up with a society that valued excess over frugality and trendy clothes over necessity, I decide to get away from it all and simply disconnect from what I saw as a world that really had no place for someone like me.
Some Say I Went Off The Grid!

But.. Why Should You Listen to Me?

Ed Corcoran As I’m sure you’ve noticed by now… Things are changing, but not for the better. Governments are abusing their powers, stealing from the people and taking any freedom that we have left in the name of security. If people were more self-reliant, I believe that we wouldn’t be where we are today. Politicians would be held accountable and your rights would still be intact because we wouldn’t need the benevolent government to take care of us from the cradle to the grave. Every week we hear of some new natural or man-made disaster or even a terrorist plot to destroy us all. Aren’t you tired of living in fear?
This Time You Can’t Afford To Be Wrong…

Nobody likes to think about the worst case scenario becoming a harsh reality, but it’s a question that we should all be asking ourselves in these uncertain political and economic times. We like to believe that everything is going to be alright and nothing is as bad as it seems. Or that the warnings of disaster and upheaval are just the rantings of paranoid fear mongers and “right wing” conspiracy nuts, with no real foundation in reality. political collapse Trust me… I know it’s easier to just bury your head in the sand and believe that they are not true… But you can’t! It almost sounds cliché, but I can’t think of another time in recent history when there have been so many threats to our personal freedom, security and safety. With the dangers of an economic collapse, political and corporate corruption, attacks on our liberty, rogue nuclear nations, fanatical terrorist states, the alarming increase of natural (and not-so-natural) disasters, and mounting civil unrest, these are indeed precarious times to say the least. The question you have to ask yourself is… Without reliable solutions within your grasp, doesn’t it seem logical that a dangerous situation is almost a certainty! Even among those that are aware of the dangers on our domestic and international landscapes, many wouldn’t have the first clue about what to do if our infrastructure suddenly collapsed, or if they were forced to evacuate their homes.
You Can Save The Lives of Others…

Not Just Your Own! In a large-scale disaster or emergency, you can’t rely on police, or medical responders to come to your rescue. They’ll be way too busy dealing with the chaos. You must be prepared to deal with things like, gangs, looters, disease, finding water and food, reliable shelter, self-defense and even the death of a loved one. And anyone who’s lived through hurricane Katrina can tell you, you can’t count on FEMA for much help. So you’re basically on your own!! You may have to deal with a hostile urban environment. There may be threats to your health, property, or even your freedom. You may have to “get out of Dodge” altogether, and make a go of it out in the relative safety of the wilderness. In any of those situations, you’ll have only your own wits, and expertise to rely on to keep yourself and your family safe. Most good, hard working people do not have the luxury to spend years learning, training and testing survival techniques. Are you prepared to defend yourself and loved ones from others that will surely seek to relieve you of your food, water and possibly your life because they themselves were not prepared? Let me assure you that these things DO & WILL HAPPEN in disaster events.
Even The Media Is Trying To Warn Us…

You may have noticed that there are now popular television shows that are capitalizing on the fear propaganda by exposing the population to a “survivalist” mindset. Are “they” trying to tell us something or maybe even warn us of things to come?
Of course most of us will never find ourselves stranded in the African plains or living with a tribe of natives in the middle of the Amazon, but none-the-less starvation or danger can find you anywhere and at anytime. The thing about survival is that it’s not an event that you can make a reservation for, it’s not a dream you can wake up from when things get too uncomfortable… it is real and it WILL kill you if you’re not prepared.

Your Family Is Also At Risk…

The mainstream media goes further by depicting situations involving family and the reality that more than likely, others will be depending on you for their survival. Man Woman Wild Reality TV has also brought the idea of family or survival with a partner to the table with the popular series “Man Woman Wild” and “Dual Survival”. While these shows do have useful information, they are also “entertainment”. Try keeping it together when your family is starving or when you have to do things that you never thought you’d do. Are you ready gamble your family’s lives on a few tricks that you “sort of”, “kinda” remember from a TV show? Come on let’s be real here… When the &#@* hits the fan… and it will, you may be the only one qualified to protect those around you. Even the ones that dismissed your warnings about the future will look up to you when they have nowhere else to turn.
There Is Nothing to Fear if You Are Prepared!

Recently there’s been much talk about “financial meltdown”, “recessions” and a coming “social collapse”. Knowing what is coming and being prepared for any situation is the key to surviving without fear! You’re about to discover the broadest range of information and resources that cover the total spectrum of survivalist scenarios all in one place. You won’t find a wealth of information like this anywhere on the Internet or in any book. While some others do a good job of providing accurate information, they tend to focus on only one or two areas of interest. That’s why I decided to pool all this life-saving information in one convenient place. In this course, my goal is to provide an in-depth resource with tools and guides that cover the broadest range of survival situations. Sounds like a tall order, believe me, I know. Which is why our staff of experts are constantly working to add to our vault of valuable information and resources. Every month, you can look forward to new updates and additions that will help you become a complete survivalist! In areas such as…

Disaster Preparedness, Surviving “In-Place”, Emergency Wilderness Survival, Surviving a Nuclear Attack, Self-Sustainability, Urban Survival, Possible 2012 Scenarios , And Much More…

Contrary to popular belief; most survivalists are not paranoid, fringe-element, Rambo types who live on raw meat and pray for Armageddon. We’re sensible, well-balanced, Patriotic folks who know the difference between optimism, and full-on denial. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, it’s about prudence, not paranoia. Or, as the saying goes: “Pray for the best, but prepare for the worst.” Living with a philosophy towards survival does not mean that you have to spend a lot of time, effort, or money on things that will prove useless, or futile in the event a disaster does not occur. Survival preparedness is not about stockpiling a bunch of food that you’ll never eat, or learning skills that you’ll never use. It’s about integrating knowledge and practices into your existing life-style that will ultimately improve your quality of life, no matter what happens (or doesn’t happen). Not to mention, that the peace of mind, and sense of independence and self-confidence you’ll get from knowing you’re equipped to handle just about any situation is priceless in itself! And the things you’ll learn can be applied to numerous areas of your life; such as:

Saving Money by Preserving Your Own Food, Knowing How to Treat Minor and Major Injuries, Producing Your Own Energy and Lowering Your Bills, Growing Your Own Vegetables (even in the city), Knowing How To Defend Yourself On The Streets, Using Natural Remedies Instead of the Pharmacy , Solving Problems With Home-Made Solutions

And the list goes on and on!

Needless to say, knowledge, and these skill-sets have the ability to enrich your life in countless ways, even outside of a disaster scenario. And you’ll also have the added benefit of being prepared to make the transition from your modern lifestyle into one of self-sufficiency, should things take a turn for the worst. Others spend countless hours searching the internet and hundreds of dollars, just to obtain a fraction of the information that you’ll have access to as a member of Complete Survivalist.
Here are a few of over 20 Survival and Preparedness Guides that you’ll get instant access to:
Bug-Out Vechicle GuideBug-Out Vehicle Guide

Mobility – the ability to travel relatively long distances is absolutely imperative in a SHTF situation. This is especially true if you plan on escaping to a distant retreat, but it’s also helpful just for doing work and hauling things around the homestead in a long-term, self-reliance scenario.
Choosing Your First HandgunChoosing Your First Handgun

There are many things to consider when selecting your first handgun for self defense, and everybody has their own (hotly debated) opinion on which type is “best”.
Choosing Your First HandgunHow To Treat Dental Pain

There’s plenty of good information out there when it comes to first aid and the treatment of injuries like broken bones, sprains, cuts and burns in a survival/disaster situation, but you’re no less likely to suffer a dental emergency like a broken tooth, dislodged crown, or filling, abscess, or a simple toothache.

How to Make BiodieselHow to Make BiodieselIf there’s a societal collapse, or a crash in oil production, (or both) petroleum based fuels are going to be very difficult (and dangerous) to come by. You can only store up so much gasoline and/or petroleum based diesel fuel.

How To Field Dress Large GameHow To Field Dress Large Game

By popular demand… Here’s a guide that will take you through the steps that are necessary to field-dress (gut) and skin larger game such as deer, or elk, out in the wild.
Make Your Own Ch’arkiMake Your Own Ch’arki

Ch’arki is one of the oldest and most universally used survival foods, and a valuable addition to your food bank, and bug-out bag. The name comes from the Incas, who made this food as far back as the 16th century, but some say Native Americans have been making it for thousands of years.
Homeschooling Your ChildHomeschooling Your Child

The government-run public school system qualifies as a disaster in its own right. While increased government involvement with the “No Child Left Behind” program promised to improve our public schools, it has actually lowered educational standards, making the system worse than it was before!
Useful Knots & HitchesUseful Knots & Hitches

If you thought knot tying was just for Boy Scouts and sailors, you’re not alone. But there are lots of situations where the common overhand knot just won’t do.
Successful Container GardeningSuccessful Container Gardening

With the threat of hyper-inflation, and food prices going through the roof, providing your own food isn’t just good way to save money – it could be absolutely essential for your survival and sustainability. Unfortunately, not everybody lives in a rural area, with a large amount of arable land at their disposal, but you can still grow a variety of staple crops in various containers on your porch, balcony, or around the foundation of your house.
2012 Survival Guide2012 Survival Guide

In the notes of Nostradamus, as well as the predictions of the Maya and Hopi people, December 21st 2012 has been prophesied as a date of world-wide cataclysm and upheaval. There are many theories about how this global event will manifest.
How to Build a Survival ShelterHow to Build a Survival Shelter

Exposure to the elements is one of your biggest threats when surviving in the wild. Along with food and water, shelter is absolutely essential in ensuring your safety. This guide teaches you how to build improvised shelters out of natural materials in a variety of environments.
Finding Direction With the Sun & StarsFinding Direction With the Sun & Stars

If you’ve ever been lost in the wilderness, you know how dangerous that can be. This guide teaches you everything you need to know about finding direction without a compass, using only astronomical indicators.
Venomous Snakes of the United StatesVenomous Snakes of the United States

Being bitten by a venomous snake in the U.S. is not as likely a danger as most people think. However; it can be a serious threat if you’re in a survival situation, where medical attention is unavailable.
How to Make a Survival BowHow to Make a Survival Bow

The bow and arrow is a simple, yet elegant hunting tool that’s been around almost as long as humanity itself. This guide shows you how to make a field-expedient bow that’s suitable for hunting small game for survival in the wild when traditional firearms are either unavailable, or impractical.
How to Build a Solar OvenHow to Build a Solar Oven

In any survival situation, it’s absolutely imperative to make the most out of all your natural resources. This book shows you how to build a solar oven out of common materials that’s lightweight and easy to transport. Perfect for cooking food in a disaster situation, when conventional methods are no longer available, or for use out in the wild.
Surviving A Nuclear AttackSurviving A Nuclear Attack

The threat of nuclear war didn’t disappear with the fall of the Soviet Union. With such rogue nuclear nations like North Korea, and other enemies of the U.S. looking to acquire nuclear weapons, the threat of nuclear attack is still very real. This guide details what to do in the event of an impending nuclear strike to maximize your chances of survival.
How To Purify WaterHow to Purify Water

Safe, clean drinking water is your most vital resource for survival. But in the wild, or after a disaster, you can never be sure if the available water is safe to drink, and you can’t trust filtration alone. This book shows you several methods of purifying water, both in the home, and out in the field that eliminate the risks of ingesting dangerous microorganisms.
Survival First Aid GuideSurvival First Aid Guide

First among the threats to your survival are injuries that may result from a disaster, accident, or mishap. If gone untreated, even a minor injury can become a life threatening condition. This guide shows you how to treat a broad array of common injuries and conditions ranging from insects stings, and snakebites to broken bones, severe wounds and hypothermia.
Complete Guide to CanningComplete Guide to Canning

Prepare for soaring food costs, and economic collapse by storing food now! Home canned foods are inexpensive, and require no refrigeration, or chemical preservatives, making them perfect for a survival food-bank. This valuable guide takes you step-by-step through teaching you everything you need to know in order to build a stockpile of preserved meats, vegetables and fruits to weather the hard financial times ahead.
Identifying Edible & Medicinal PlantsIdentifying Edible & Medicinal Plants

Nature is abundant with edible plants that can serve as a food source to survive any ordeal. Others can be used to treat ailments, or injuries. But there are also many that can injure or kill you if ingested. This guide teaches you procedures that you can use to identify plants that are safe to eat, and tells you what to avoid.

There’s More… Keep Reading!

Any one of our informative ebooks alone could cost you anywhere from $47 to $97 if purchased separately (and it would be worth every penny). But as a member, you’ll have access to an ever-expanding resource of valuable, life-saving information. This isn’t just a download heap of random ebooks and articles culled from who-knows-where, like you’ll find at other sources on the web. These are well written and thoroughly researched guides written by myself and my staff, as well as carefully selected materials from other authors in the survivalist field. Collectively, this knowledge-base represents numerous years of experience, and countless man-hours of work to provide you with the most comprehensive resource of information available!
Exclusive Interviews

You will get access to exclusive interviews of some of the world’s top survival experts and preppers! You canalso download the transcripts and the full mp3s of the interviews so you can listen to them from any mp3 enabled audio device.
Escape and Evasion – Chance Sanders
In this interview, I’m talking with security expert; Chance Sanders about escape and evasion techniques in a grid-down, societal collapse situation. Chance is a former U.S. Marine, where he was a weapons and marksmanship instructor. He currently works as a tactical and security consultant (for an “undisclosable” agency) and works closely with Dave Canterbury at his Pathfinder Survival School. Chance has a lot of knowledge about how to keep yourself safe when the world goes sideways and there’s danger all around.
Surviving a Nuclear Attack – Janet Liebsch

Contrary to popular belief, a nuclear attack IS a survivable event (provided you’re not at ground zero when the bomb drops). Along with her husband Bill, Janet Liebsch has spent a lifetime learning survival techniques for the most horrific disasters and co-authored the book: It’s a DISASTER!… and What are YOU Gonna do About it? In this interview we discuss what to do before, during and after a nuclear attack and how to emerge on the other side alive an healthy.
How to Build an Experdient Forge – Corcceigh Green
Corcceigh Green is a homesteader, blacksmith and all-around self-reliance expert, because he lives the life and walks the talk, out in the wilds of northern Idaho. In this interview, Corcceigh explains how to build an expedient forge for metal-working in an austere environment after a collapse (it’s a lot easier than you may think!) and what kinds of tools an materials you will need to get a rudimentary “smithy” up and running.
Metal Working – Corcceigh Green
As a follow-up to Corcceigh’s instruction on how build an expedient forge, in this interview we talk to Corcceigh about the finer details of working with metal, tool making, and where to find materials. Fortunately, in a post-collapse situation, it’s not about mining and smelting ore. There will be all kinds of refined metals already laying around you after the crash happens. It’s all about what you can use and how to process it into the tools and items that you will need.
Earthquake Survival – Janet Liebsch
In this conversation, the co-author of “It’s a DISASTER” returns to discuss what we should to prepare for and survive an earthquake. We all saw what happened in Japan when they got struck by an earthquake and the most repeated comment heard in the media was how much worse the situation could have been had the Japanese not been as prepared as they were. Earthquakes are starting to happen in areas that are not normally prone to them, so it’s best to be prepared!
Surviving a Nuclear Power Plant Disaster – Janet Liebsch
The United States has over 100 nuclear power plants (most concentrated on the eastern seaboard). What if there was meltdown, power failure or terrorist attack? Would you know what to do to protect yourself? Japan is still suffering from the aftermath of the Fukushima powerplant disaster following the earthquake and tsunami. In this interview we discuss how to prepare for and respond to such a nuclear power plant disaster.
Conflict Resolution – Jim Cobb
In any group, there’s always the potential for conflict to arise. Especially in a survival group after a collapse. In this interview, we have survival expert, private investigator and security professional; Jim Cobb discussing the skills and techniques that you can use to diffuse mitigate or eliminate conflict when tension and emotions are running high in a survival situation and everything is on the line.
Homestead High-Tech – John Milandred
John Milandred is the founder of “Pioneer Living” an online magazine that teaches people how to live the way they did in the days of the American pioneers. John has been living this lifestyle for almost a decade on his homestead in south-east Oklahoma and in this installment, John shares with us an ecologically friendly, low-cost (and low effort) method for heating your water and home that’s completely sustainable and only needs renewing every 18 months. It’s amazing!
Treating Minor and Major Wounds in a Collapse Situation – Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy
Joseph Alton M.D. (aka “Dr. Bones”) is a retired surgeon and survival expert and his wife; Amy Alton (aka “Nurse Amy”) is a retired trauma nurse and midwife. Together they present an enormous amount of information about the things you need to know to treat injuries and wounds in a collapse situation, when everything is going haywire and there’s little to no chance of expecting first-responders, EMTs or any other kind of emergency medical care.

Six In-Depth Bonus Reports
How to Make a Bug-Out Bag

What are you going to do if you’re faced with a crisis that forces you to leave your home in a hurry? Scramble around trying to grab up everything you think you’re going to need? When your brain is in “fight or flight” mode, it’s impossible to remember everything, and you don’t want to find out at a crucial moment that you left a vital piece of gear behind. The 72-Hour Bag is an indispensable element of preparedness that every survivalist should have on hand. This report will show you everything you need to pack and have ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Staying Hydrated In The Wild

Dehydration can kill you in as little as three days. This informative guide gives you tips on how to avoid excessive dehydration in a survival situation. It also outlines common and unconventional methods of procuring drinking water in the wild.
Primitive Survival Hunting

The movies make survival hunting look easy, but would you really know what to do to procure food if you were stuck in the wilderness without any traditional hunting weapons? This report explains how to improvise three primitive hunting tools that our ancient ancesters used to use, and how to find the easiest prey for survival in the wild.
How to Make a Comprehensive Disaster First Aid Kit

Providing first aid in a disaster situation is more demanding than the requirements of common, every day first aid situations. It requires a larger, more specific spectrum of medical supplies and tools that are not found in your average commercial first aid kit. This book lists all the crucial elements that go into a comprehensive kit that will equip you to handle just about any disaster situation.
How to Field-Dress Small Game

Small game animals are an important source of survival food, but what do you do with that rabbit or squirrel after you’ve shot/snared it? This guide will teach you how to safely skin and dress (gut) your critter in the field before cooking it.
How to Build a Survival Food Bank

This helpful guide shows you how to stock up for survival. I details all the essential elements that go into building a well-planned food bank that will help you and your family get through the coming wave of hyper-inflation, and possible economic meltdown.
But It Doesn’t End There…

Survival Community
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Well, what if I told you I was going to go even one step further and remove all the risk! That’s right. I am going to give you a no-risk trial for 60 days so that you can fully experience the value of our membership program. You have my Iron-Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee with total access to the FULL membership program for full 60 Days.

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Complete Guide to Canning, Successful Container Gardening, How to Build Survival Shelters, How to Build a Solar Oven, Homeschooling Your Child, Venomous Snakes of the United States, How to Make a Bug-Out Bag, Staying Hydrated In The Wild, Primitive Survival Hunting, How to Make a Comprehensive Disaster First Aid Kit, How to Field-Dress Small Game, How to Build a Survival Food Bank.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Web Hosting

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Levi's Men's 505 Straight Fit Jean

About Levi'sFor over a century, men and women have done amazing things in their Levi's® jeans. They have built countries, tunneled into the earth for fuel and treasure, fought for ideals, changed perceptions, and expressed themselves through film, art, music, and literature.Just as people who wear Levi's® jeans look for new possibilities, so does the Levi's® brand as a company. This demonstrates itself in the new Water>Less finishing, which reduces the use of water in the making of our jeans. This is also the basis of Levi's® Curve ID, a revolutionary fit system designed for a woman's shape, not size.The Levi's® brand embodies a pioneering spirit that is always driven to innovate. Levi's® jeans have been worn by presidents and ranchers, Americans and Russians, doctors and outlaws, kings and coal miners. They are a common thread with a common promise: to provide quality clothing in which to Go Forth.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Apple MacBook Pro MD313LL/A 13.3-Inch

Introducing the 13-inch MacBook Pro. The state-of-the-art dual-core Intel i5 processor delivers up to 2x faster performance (over the previous generation of MacBook Pro). New Thunderbolt technology lets you connect high-performance peripherals and high-resolution displays to a single port, and transfer files at lightning speeds. And with the built-in FaceTime HD camera, you can make astonishingly crisp HD video calls.
Apple 13.3-inch MacBook Pro
The 13.3-inch unibody MacBook Pro with Thunderbolt technology (see larger image).
With the revolutionary Thunderbolt technology, you'll be able to achieve bi-directional channels with transfer speeds to peripherals like external hard drives and servers up to an amazing 10 Gbps--while also connecting to a DisplayPort-compatible high-resolution display.
As with previous models, the MacBook Pro features a precision unibody enclosure crafted from a single block of aluminum, creating a thin and light mobile computing workhorse (less than 1 inch thin and just 4.5 pounds) that's also highly durable. And it includes a 13.3-inch, LED-backlit glass display as well as a glass trackpad that doesn't include a button (for larger tracking area) that features Apple's Multi-Touch technology. You'll also get up to 7 hours of battery life while on the go.
This version of the 13.3-inch MacBook Pro (model MD313LL/A) features a second-generation 2.4 GHz Core i5 dual-core processor, 500 GB hard drive, and 4 GB of installed RAM. Other features include integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics, ultra-fast Wireless-N Wi-Fi networking, Bluetooth connectivity, an SDXC card slot, two USB 2.0 ports, and a FireWire 800 port (see full specifications below).
Apple 13.3-inch MacBook Pro
FaceTime HD camera built into the bezel for crisp, widescreen video chats (see larger image).

Apple 13.3-inch MacBook Pro
The backlit keyboard--great for typing in low-light settings (see larger image).

OS X Lion

Every Mac comes with OS X Lion, the latest release of the world's most advanced desktop operating system. With over 250 features including Multi-Touch gestures, Mission Control, full-screen apps, and Launchpad, OS X Lion takes the Mac further than ever.
OS X Lion
Key OS X Lion Features
  • Mission Control provides a bird's-eye view of everything running on your Mac.
  • Launchpad puts all your apps front and center for easy access.
  • View apps full screen and switch between them with a swipe.
  • Interact with your Mac using intuitive new Multi-Touch gestures.

Key Features

Revolutionary Thunderbolt Technology
Developed by Intel with collaboration from Apple, high-speed Thunderbolt I/O (input/output) technology delivers an amazing 10 gigabits per second of transfer speeds in both directions. Built into the MacBook Pro, the Thunderbolt port allows you to connect to new Thunderbolt-compatible peripherals as well as existing USB and FireWire peripherals using simple adapters. You'll be able to move data up to 20 times faster than with USB 2.0 and more than 12 times faster than with FireWire 800, and you can daisy-chain multiple high-speed devices without using a hub.
And because Thunderbolt is based on DisplayPort technology, you'll be able to connect to a high-resolution display from the same port. Any Mini DisplayPort display plugs right into the Thunderbolt port, and you can also connect displays that use DisplayPort, DVI, HDMI, or VGA connections with an existing adapter. You'll also be able to include your display into a daisy-chained set of peripherals.
Intel Core i5
Next-Generation Dual-Core Intel Processor
This MacBook Pro is powered by a second-generation Intel Core i5 dual-core processor, which provides breakthrough digital media management, content creation, and 3D gaming capabilities. With updated Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0, the latest Core i5 increases speed automatically for whatever you're doing, dynamically accelerating performance to match your workload.
Intel's Hyper-Threading Technology enables each core of your processor to work on two tasks at the same time, delivering the performance you need for smart multitasking. And you'll enjoy a rich set of new features for a stunning and seamless visual experience with no additional hardware. The Core i5 processor also provides faster access to the installed RAM, with an integrated memory controller to connect fast 1333 MHz memory directly to the processor.
With new microarchitecture, the graphics processor resides on the same chip as the central processor and has direct access to the 3 MB of shared L3 cache--helping your applications run at peak performance. And an integrated video encoder enables HD video calls with FaceTime, while an efficient decoder gives you long battery life when you're watching DVDs or iTunes movies.
Buttonless Multi-Touch Trackpad
With no button on the glass trackpad, there's more room to track and click--left, right, center, and everywhere in between. Without a separate button, the trackpad gives your hands plenty of room to move on the large, silky glass surface. It also incorporates Multi-Touch gestures--including swipe, pinch, rotate, and four-finger swipe. And it also now supports inertial scrolling, an intuitive way to scroll through large photo libraries, lengthy documents and long web sites.
Apple 13.3-inch MacBook Pro
See larger image.

Apple 13.3-inch MacBook Pro
See larger image.

Key Specifications

  • 13.3-inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen display with edge-to-edge, uninterrupted glass (1280 x 800-pixel resolution).
  • 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 dual-core processor with 3 MB shared L3 cache for excellent multitasking.
  • Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384 MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory.
  • 500 GB Serial ATA hard drive (5400 RPM)
  • 4 GB installed RAM (1333 MHz DDR3; supports up to 8 GB)
  • 8x slot-loading SuperDrive with double-layer DVD support (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
  • Built-in FaceTime HD camera for video chatting
  • Wi-Fi wireless networking (based on 802.11n specification; 802.11a/b/g compatible)
  • Gigabit Ethernet wired networking (10/100/1000)
  • Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) for connecting with peripherals such as keyboards, mice and cell phones
  • Two USB 2.0 ports, one FireWire 800 port
  • SDXC card slot
  • Thunderbolt port with native Mini DisplayPort output plus support for DVI, VGA, dual-link DVI, and HDMI (requires adapters, sold separately)
  • Multi-Touch trackpad for precise cursor control with support for inertial scrolling, pinch, rotate, swipe, three-finger swipe, four-finger swipe, tap, double-tap, and drag capabilities
  • Full-size backlit keyboard
  • Stereo speakers with subwoofers
  • Dimensions: 12.78 x 8.94 x 0.95 inches (WxDxH)
  • Weight: 4.5 pounds
  • Up to 7 hours of battery life
  • Meets Energy Star 5.0 requirements
  • Rated EPEAT Gold

What's in the Box

13.3-inch MacBook Pro, display cleaning cloth, 60W MagSafe Power Adapter, AC wall plug, power cord, printed and electronic documentation
Limited Warranty And Service
The MacBook Pro comes with 90 days of free telephone support and a 1-year limited warranty, which can be extended to 3 years with the AppleCare Protection Plan.

Installed Software

At the heart of every MacBook Pro--and every Mac--is OS X Lion, an operating system that's both easy to use and incredibly powerful. It's built on a rock-solid UNIX foundation and engineered to take full advantage of the technologies in every new Mac. So everything works together perfectly. And features like Multi-Touch gestures and Mission Control let you interact with your computer in amazing and intuitive new ways.
  • OS X Lion (includes Mail, Address Book, iCal, the Mac App Store, iTunes, Safari, Time Machine, FaceTime, Photo Booth, Mission Control, Launchpad, AirDrop, Resume, Auto Save, Versions, Quick Look, Spotlight, QuickTime, and more)
iLife helps you do more with photos, movies, and music than you ever thought possible. In iPhoto, you can browse, edit, and share your photos in stunning new full-screen views. Create epic Hollywood-style movie trailers from your home video in iMovie. And GarageBand gives you everything you need to make a great-sounding song--including tools for keeping your song in perfect rhythm and guitar and piano lessons.
  • iLife (includes iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand)
AppleCare Protection Plan

AppleCare Protection Plan

Because Apple makes the hardware, the operating system, and many applications, the Mac is a truly integrated system. And only the AppleCare Protection Plan gives you one-stop service and support from Apple experts, so most issues can be resolved in a single call. Extend the complimentary service and support on your Mac to 3 years from the original Mac purchase date with the AppleCare Protection Plan. You get direct telephone access to Apple experts for technical questions, and you get global repair coverage--including both parts and labor--for your Mac and select Apple peripherals.

Optional Accessories and Related Products

60W MagSafe Power Adapter 60W MagSafe Power Adapter
Need an extra adapter for home or work? The MagSafe Power Adapter is held in place magnetically, so if someone trips over it, the cord disconnects harmlessly while your MacBook Pro stays put on your desk.
MagSafe Airline Adapter MagSafe Airline Adapter
With the MagSafe Airline Adapter, your MacBook Pro can go the distance no matter how long your flight. Just plug it into your airline seat power port to watch movies and stay productive from takeoff to landing.
Apple World Travel Adapter Kit Apple World Travel Adapter Kit
Essential for any traveler, this World Travel Adapter Kit includes the Apple USB Power Adapter, USB Cable, and six interchangeable AC adapter plugs that let you plug your Apple MagSafe Power Adapter, Portable Power Adapters, and AirPort Express into most electrical outlets around the world.
Time Capsule Time Capsule
Time Capsule is the revolutionary backup device that works wirelessly with Time Machine in OS X Leopard or later. It automatically backs up everything, so you never have to worry about losing important files. It also doubles as a full-featured 802.11n Wi-Fi base station. Choose from 2 TB and 3 TB models.
AirPort Extreme Base Station AirPort Extreme Base Station
Speed, range, and easy setup make AirPort Extreme the perfect wireless solution for home, school, and small business. It offers simultaneous dual-band support and lets up to 50 people share Internet access, a wireless network, a hard drive, and a printer.
Thunderbolt Display Apple Thunderbolt Display
The world's first Thunderbolt display doesn't just give you more pixels. It gives you more possibilities. Built-in Thunderbolt technology lets you connect as many as six devices through a single port and transfer data up to 20 times faster than with USB 2.0.
Apple Magic Trackpad Apple Magic Trackpad
Magic Trackpad is the first Multi-Touch trackpad designed to work with your Mac desktop computer, and it supports a full set of gestures. Click, scroll, swipe, and rotate to control what's onscreen. Use it along with your mouse or as an alternative to one.
Apple Wireless Keyboard Apple Wireless Keyboard
The sleek aluminum Apple Wireless Keyboard lets you type in front of your computer, on your lap, or anywhere within range. It's also incredibly thin and streamlined, so it sits on your desk surrounded by nothing but glorious space.

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0

Product Description

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"
Product Details

Amazon Sales Rank: #7 in Personal Computers
Color: Gray
Brand: Samsung
Model: GT-P6210MAVXAR
Number of items: 1
Dimensions: .39" h x 4.82" w x 7.62" l, .76 pounds
CPU: Mobile AMD Duron 1.2 GHz
Memory: 2000MB SDRAM
Hard Disk: 32GB
Processors: 1
Native resolution: 1024 x 600
Display size: 7


Honey Comb 3.2 plus TouchWiz
Dual Core 1.2 GHZ
WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0, USB 2.0
3.0 MP rear camera, 2.0 MP front camera

Editorial Reviews Product Description

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus offers the power of a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor, 32 GB onboard memory, and Android 3.2 Honeycomb in an ultra-portable package. Not only does the Galaxy Tab have a 7-inch screen with a 1,024-by-600-pixel resolution and two cameras--it also features software that lets you navigate and control TV, play thousands of games, and access millions of web pages with Adobe Flash Player. The Galaxy Tab lets you take entertainment to the next level--and take it with you in your back pocket.

Samsung Logo
Samsung Product Shot

7-inch widescreen display with 1,024-by-600 resolution
Portable at 0.76 pounds and 10 millimeters thick
Adobe Flash Player for unrestricted web browsing
Android 3.2 OS with open access to over 250,000 apps
Dual-core 1.2 GHz processor provides power and speed
One-year warranty

Fits in your pocket
Big Performance in a Small Package

Experience a rich multimedia experience in a compact form factor with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus. The 7.0 Plus combines a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor and a brilliant 7-inch display into a compact package that weighs 0.76 pounds and is less than 10 millimeters thick. This compact size makes it easy to fit into a handbag or pocket, ensuring that you can take it anywhere you go.

A microSD card slot lets you add more storage so you can take your digital music library and photos with you. This version of the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus offers 32 GB of onboard memory. Samsung also offers a 16 GB version.
Click to enlarge
Android 3.2 Honeycomb with Flash and TouchWiz

The 7.0 Plus runs on the Android 3.2 Honeycomb operating system for a fast, seamless computing experience. With Adobe Flash Player built in, the web browser can render pages and programs that use Flash, including games, videos, and more. You'll also be able to video chat with your friends using the Google Talk video chat application. More than 250,000 compatible apps are available for download at the Android Market.

Samsung also includes its TouchWiz interface, which brings live panels onto the screen of your tablet, so you're always connected with the world in real time, with updates happening continuously.
Entertainment on the go
Click to enlarge
Entertainment at Home and On the Go

The new Smart Remote App powered by Peel lets you take entertainment to the next level by letting you navigate and control TV right from the 7.0 Plus. The built-in IR allows the tab to act as an advanced universal remote so you can control A/V equipment with your tab, and the Smart Remote App automatically finds your favorite shows and recommends new ones.

Samsung's Hub services (Media Hub and Social Hub) offer TV, movies, books, and magazines, so you'll always have access to entertainment wherever you are. You'll also have access to Netflix, Amazon Kindle books, and more.
Front and Rear-Facing Cameras

The 7.0 Plus features a 3 megapixel camera that can shoot 720p HD video, so you can capture high quality video and stills and then enjoy them on the brilliant 7-inch display. In addition, a front-facing 2 megapixel camera lets you record yourself for podcasts or web chats.
Front and rear cameras
Get More Work Done with Advanced Enterprise Support

It's not just all fun and games; when it's time to get down to business, the 7.0 Plus is right there with you. With support for Microsoft Exchange, as well as full support for EAS v14, MDM, VPN, WebEx, and on-device encryption, you'll be able to get more work done.
What's in the Box

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus (32 GB), 30-pin IF connector, charger and plug, earphones, product registration, and instruction manual.

Customer Reviews

Most helpful customer reviews

234 of 241 people found the following review helpful.
4First impression, premium tablet at premium price.
By Traveler
After reading a few theoretical reviews, I thought I would post a very early review based on one whole day of using my Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus (which I've updated a couple of times). I've rated it overall 4*, which is 5* for the Tab and 3* for a premium price. There are certainly less expensive tablets, but I think this one really does have class-leading features. It's up to you whether you think the features justify the price or whether you want to wait for the next better-faster-cheaper version.

Not much to say about the design, it's a slab but the build quality is excellent and it feels very solid. I bought this specifically because it's a 7" form factor, and I wanted portable and pocketable which this delivers. I've posted a picture of what's in the box, it's just the tablet, charger and cable [see photo on the product page]. Don't plan on learning much from the "manual", which is a tiny little booklet. One thing I can't say is whether it has Gorilla Glass like the original Tab. I hope so, but Samsung doesn't say much as Amazon shipped before the release date -- heck, Samsung won't even let me register it yet. The screen quality, brightness and resolution is excellent although I did wind up disabling auto brightness as I thought it kept things a little dark. Easily fixed by manually setting the brightness to about 60%. The auto setting was probably to save battery life, which seems excellent. Charged to 100% this morning, and after a day of light usage (web browsing, wifi on all day, an hour of music listening, dozen or so apps loaded, 15 minutes of navigation) I still have 51% remaining after a day of usage. [11/6] I'm still happy with battery life, but I will say watching Netflix looks like it would only last about 4-5 hours.

Honeycomb with this tablet is extremely responsive, and I didn't find Touch Wiz intrusive. Actually everything pretty much just works the way you'd hope. GPS and Google Maps worked great, got sat lock in only a few minutes sitting on the passenger seat of the car. Local driving, but Google Maps cached enough that nav worked great. [11/6] In answer to several comments, the GPS works without wifi. Google Maps caches some local coverage, and there are standalone nav apps that have broader coverage. If traffic updates are important, you won't get them with no wifi.

Tried the camera, it's point-and-shoot cellphone quality but nothing approaching even my Lumix camera let alone a DSLR. [11/12] But apps like Barcode Scanner and Skype make good use of the cameras. The touchscreen is very responsive, and Netflix and Youtube looked great on my home wifi. No problems at all with any of the apps I downloaded, they all ran and looked great. [11/12] The 1.5.14 Pandora update fixes my previous UI complaint, so Pandora now looks as good as it sounds. If you want to pretend to buy this for work with a clear conscience, I also setup the built-in VPN client and was able to load a free RDP application (Pocketcloud) from the Android market to access our Windows servers just fine. [11/12] The Peel Smart Remote folks never answered their email support form (why bother to have it if you don't respond?), but their 1.2.6 update did deliver basic support for my Time Warner/Motorola DVR so I've now had a chance to use the built-in remote. The personalized program guide is nice and I might actually use it. But the remote functions supported are pretty basic so I'll still be using my Logitech Harmony - maybe they'll create an app!

If you're looking for a smaller tablet with all the bells and whistles, I think you'd be happy with this one.

138 of 143 people found the following review helpful.
5Samsung has it Right
By David Dean
EDIT: Now the product has been tested more in more depth. My initial review still stands. I have edited the review to include more content concerning features. Thanks

First off I would like to state that this product has now been tested for two days. If anything changes my opinion of it I will be glad to update this review.

When getting this package I must admit I was filled with anticipation and some level of worry. This tablet is going to be used for both recreational and business purposes so it had to be capable of doing a large number of things. At first glance I have to say it is a real beauty. It features a slick and stylish design capable of impressing nearly anyone. Mine was charged to approximately 68% when I received it so I was able to turn it on and start right away. It took me approximately 10 minutes to get it started and linked to my google account. Here came my first surprise. Already having an android phone it then proceeded to download my saved contacts and apps that were own my phone. This saved me lots of time and was a big plus.

Briefly I would like to list features of the Tablet and give a quick run down:

Very bright and clear. This screen is impressive to say the least. It comes auto set to change the lighting itself but you can turn that off and set the brightness to whatever level you choose.

Aside from being bright it is also very responsive to touch. For this part of the test I went to my father. My father has larger fingers and usually has problems with small buttons or touch screens. He was impressed at how easy he could type and not make mistakes on the device.

This is a noteworthy camera. I was able to take a few decent shots with it and saw no real problems.
Edit: Tested out the video chat feature and had no problems it is a reasonably clear image.

No problems at all. It linked to my phone and I was even able to tether internet to the tablet.

Now first I was concerned GPS applications for download. However after a few times using it I have decided I rather like it. Here are three reasons why!
1) I bought a tablet not a GPS!
2) There are various different apps available on the market that seem to enable offline gps support.
3) You can start the Navigation while connected to WiFi and it will load all the information for a route and then it works perfectly. I even managed to get it to reprogram the route by turning the wrong way once. All in all it is just an added feature that is fun to use and can be useful if you pre program it at home.

Samsung has made a nice skin that overlays the natural Android design. I found it both user friendly and rather fun to play with. It took nothing away from the tablet, but added a few features that made it worthwhile!

Naturally I tried out a few games such as Angry Birds and others. This tablet played them with no problem and they looked even better than ever with a clear crisp image.

I took the time to watch tv (Netflix) and listen to music (Pandora). Both were clear and crisp in sound quality making the tablet good to use standalone. However Samsung also provides Ear buds if you do not want the entire room to hear what you are watching!

Edit: Having first tested the remote on an old model tv I was unable to provide a clear picture of the features. Now I have fully tested this features and I am impressed. The Peel remote control offers an easy to use interface to change the channel, volume, or access menu. Simply WONDERFUL.

Honestly I cannot say much about the battery life of the product. I charged it once and have used it off and on all day with little battery drainage.
Edit: Test and can now state that it held a charge for over a day with constant off and on usage. It only showed a serious drop in life after watching roughly 45 minutes of netflix on full brightness.

All in all the Samsung Galaxy Tablet 7.0 plus is an ideal tablet for anyone wanting to jump into the tablet market. I would gladly make this purchase all over again.

161 of 168 people found the following review helpful.
5An Ergonomic Delight - Best 7" Tablet
By Rob Kaulfuss
UPDATED - 12/31/11
In a never ending quest for the perfect tablet, I have now replaced my 7.0 Plus (now for sale here) with a Galaxy Tab 8.9 Which I got for $399 at BustBuy. The 8.9 is slim and much lighter than the full size tablets but still large enough to be able to type on the virtual keyboard with two hands. In addition, the screen resolution is incredible at 1280 X 800 vs. 1024 X 600 for the better 7" tablets.

I use tablets mainly for browsing and reading blogs. (I use a smart phone for GPS and camera and laptop for anything requiring much typing.) This was my third tablet starting with the original iPad which I kept for only a week because it was too heavy to hold up and was killing my neck and shoulders from hunching over if on my lap. (I realize that my ergonomic problems do not apply to everyone.) I then found the 7" Archos 70 Internet Tablet which was extremely light at about 11 oz, although with limited resolution (800 X 480) and not much horsepower.

The Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus weighs 12.2 oz (much slimmer and lighter than the original Tab). The Kindle Fire is heavier at 14.6 oz and lacks other features such as GPS and camera. The Iconia A100 is also much too heavy (at over a pound) and supposedly has display viewing issues. Although the Kindle Fire price is half ($199 vs $399), the Fire is in its first generation, the specs are not as good, it lacks important features as previously mentioned, and from what I can tell from the reviews, also has a UI overlay that ties you into the Amazon system (which some might like). You get what you pay for, although I have heard that Amazon subsidizes the Fire to the tune of $50 and makes no profit. It is supposed to have a super fast browser due assisted by its Amazon's cloud services. The premium 7" tablets are all at about $330-400 and the price is worth it.

For a case for the 7.0 Plus, I got the Navitech Black Bycast Leather Flip Open Book Style Carry Case (make sure you get the one for the 7.0 Plus). The case is also very light and I use it in landscape mode with the cover hanging down below to assist in holding the device up (one had on each side) while resting my elbows on the bed or couch while lying down (for long term use). Some have criticized the Galaxy tabs as being plain slabs in terms of aesthetics (I actually like them), but the build quality is excellent and it doesn't really matter if you have it in a case.

As for Honeycomb 3.2 and TouchWiz (the latter being unique to Samsung), the jury is still out. The Home, Back, and Settings icons and access have been rearranged and I'm not sure if I prefer the new way. (After a couple of weeks, I like the Honeycomb changes. The new settings access control is much handier. The TouchWiz overlay extras are nifty and don't get in the way. I have not tried the camera or universal remote yet. Battery life seems good so far.

If you want to wait and spend a lot more money (which I did not), the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 is on its way. Although larger, it is actually a little lighter (11.86 oz) and thinner (I think because it lacks the universal remote transmitter, not sure), and has a Super AMOLED higher resolution (1280 X 800) display. My Samsung Infuse 4G has the Super AMOLED display and it is really something and definitely superior to the 7.0 Plus screen, nice as it is. No word yet on pricing or availability, although I think I saw a guess of $599-699. This is going to be their super premium tablet.

As you can see, I am obsessed with ergonomics as I have had some old injuries to back and shoulder. I am afraid that the larger tablets are going to prove to be ergonomic disasters for long term use for many people (not all) because of the need to either hunch over or reach up with your arms and hands depending on how they must be positioned. And you certainly can't sit for very long with your feet up on a table as pictured in the iPad ads.
See all 118 customer reviews...

Toshiba Thrive 10.1-Inch 32 GB Android Tab

Awesome viewingwith its high-resolution 10.1" diagonal wide-view led-backlit display, toshiba's thrive tablet is well-sized for surfing the web, movies, playing games, reading books and more. engineered with our exclusive adaptive display technology; this screen adjusts brightness and contrast to the surrounding light conditions. you don't have to squint to see the sheer versatility of this screen. high-performance for multitasking and hd entertainmentget ready for the fastest, most visually-rich tablet experience you can get. this tablet is built around the world's first mobile super-chip, nvidia tegra 2. So you'll enjoy extreme multitasking with the first mobile dual-core processor, the best web experience with faster browsing, hardware-accelerated adobe flash, and console - quality gaming and higher-definition video with an nvidia geforce gpu.manufacturer - toshiba; manufacturer part number - pda01u-00501f; manufacturer website address - toshiba; brand name - toshiba; product line - thrive; product series - at105; product model - at105-t1032; product name - thrive at105-t1032 tablet computer; product type - tablet computer; miscellaneous - package contents - thrive at105-t1032 tablet computer lithium ion battery ac adapter; miscellaneous - green compliant - yes; miscellaneous - green compliance certificate/authority - rohs; warranty - standard warranty - 1 year limited; storage - flash memory capacity - 32 gb.

Alienware AM14X-6667BK 14-Inch Laptop

Take control of your gaming with the Alienware M14x multimedia laptop (model AM14x-6667BK), which features a thermally optimized case design with aggressive lines and an in-your-face attitude. It features a stunning, high-definition 14-inch display and a powerful, second-generation Intel Core i5 processor.
Alienware M14x
With aggressive lines and in-your-face attitude, the M14x has a presence unlike any other gaming laptop.

Additionally, it offers ultra-fast DDR3 system memory and NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M graphics with a whopping 3 GB of discrete memory--enabling you to rip through the latest 3D games at lightning-fast frame-rates.

It features two speedy USB 3.0 ports--the latest development in USB data transfer technology. Perfect for transferring and retrieving large files between your PC and an external hard drive or digital camera, USB 3.0 offers the speediest, most efficient way get what you need from external devices. (It also comes with one standard USB 2.0 port with PowerShare technology, plus USB 3.0 is backward compatible.)

The Alienware Command Center brings you intuitive access to applications and controls, so you can easily adjust details like lighting effects and power. Other features include a 500 GB hard drive (7200 RPM), 6 GB of DDR3 RAM, double-layer DVD drive, Wireless-N Wi-Fi networking, Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity, 2.0-megapixel HD webcam, and 2.1 channel surround sound audio powered by Klipsch.

This Alienware notebook comes pre-installed with the Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium operating system (64-bit version).